They Are Billions Campaign mode is coming on June 18

They Are Billions Campaign mode is coming on June 18

The long-awaited, single-player campaign mode for RTS survival title, They Are Billions, is finally getting its full release on June 18, offering players something else to do other than just survive another custom map. If you already own the game, it will be an entirely free update — it's Early Access after all.

The New Empire, as the campaign is called, charges players with striding forth from fortified positions to reclaim the Earth from the stomping, screaming, running, and vomiting undead zombies that have taken over. You'll need to use all of the same Steam Punk-inspired weaponry, buildings, and soldiers at your disposal in the standard defence mode gameplay, but with a more aggressive stance and specific scenarios that present a new challenge for even experienced players.

You can also expect hero characters, secrets and hidden technologies to unlock, including a fully-featured tech-tree.

It's got a very cheesy, Mad-Max like theme that fits well with the game universe and reveals a little more about the setting and timeline of the game world.

In terms of actual gameplay, it looks like you'll be building train-connected colonies across a game map, dealing with major swarms as they find and attack settlements, leverage hero characters and new units to fight off the undead, and a lot more.

The developer, Numantian Games is also releasing two new survival maps along with the campaign: The Deep Forest and the Caustic Lands. The former of the two will be the most forgiving of the game's maps so far, while the latter will be the hardest yet faced.