Terry Pratchett honored in Elite: Dangerous with Discworld spacestation

Terry Pratchett honored in Elite: Dangerous with Discworld spacestation

Even though you may never get a chance to stand on a world on the backs of elephants, balancing on a space-faring turtle, there is a chance for you to visit Discworld in another way: through Elite: Dangerous. Similar to how Star Trek Online has memorialised the recently passed Leonard Nemoy with a statue on Vulcan and another on new Romulus, Terry Pratchett, author of the many Discworld novels, has been honored in E:D, with a starport called Pratchett's Disc.

"At Frontier we have a great many Pratchett fans on staff and we were all saddened to learn of his passing," executive producer of the game Michael Brookes said in a chat with Eurogamer.

"The sentiment was reflected by our community so we felt it would be right to remember him in Elite: Dangerous."

Pratchett's Disc station was added as part of the 1.2.05 update, which also fixes a long list of bugs, including a bunch of visual hiccups and makes smaller ships now better at smuggling by decreasing their chance of being scanned because they are less-conspicuous.

If you would like to head over and check out the memorial to Mr Pratchett yourself, it's in system HIP 74290.