Team Fortress 2 Development Update

Team Fortress 2 Development Update

Valve has informed the gaming community that development of Team Fortress 2 is moving along briskly and has also released an image from one of the game's loading screens.

In a short communication, released in the form of an update to the website, Valve states: Team Fortress 2 is really moving along in development. In fact, things have reached a point where people start getting pretty antsy around the office as we get closer and closer to the 6:00 p.m. playtest session. We will be sharing more information about TF2 over the next couple of months, and we'll make sure to point that out to people here. We've included an illustration of some of the TF2 characters here that is currently being used for the start-up screen for the game.

This comes, of course, immediately following the announcement regarding the delayed release of H-L 2: Ep. 2 which will come bundled with TF2 and will now be released in the fall of 2007.