System Shock 3 officiall announced

System Shock 3 officiall announced

If there was any doubt that Othersite Entertainment wasn't working on a sequel to the classic System Shock series, think again. With the launch of a new website, an official tweet and a short audio clip deriding the future players of the game, System Shock 3 has now been officially announced.

Otherside and publisher Night Dive studios have been teasing a third game in the series for a while now, as well as announcing the remastering of the original game, but this is the first time we've seen anything from the third title itself - even if it just a recording of the series' nefarious AI.

She's not gone, as she makes abundantly clear, but in her abscense these past few years, she hasn't begun to respect our player character, the hacker, any more than she did before. Indeed she seems particularly ornery at this point.

Details are rather thin on the ground about what the plot of the game will be, where it will be based, when it will be based and what the gameplay will be like, but presumably much will be drawn from previous entries in the series, as a more-of-the-same scenario is likely to be the most desireable from the perspective of fans of the original games.

Of course we can expect a much more contemporary game engine though, so chances are System Shock 3 will be very pretty.

No word on pricing or availability, but expect this one to take a little time. 2017 at the earliest would be our bet.