Stygian: Rise of the Old Ones is a handrawn Lovecraftian adventure

Stygian: Rise of the Old Ones is a handrawn Lovecraftian adventure

Most games based in the universe of HP Lovecraft, whether you're talking about the Call of Cthulhu pen and paper RPG, or The Wasted Land mobile game, are about stopping something terrible from happening to the world. Preventing the ancient ones from awakening, stopping the death cult from completing its foul mission, or discovering some hidden knowledge in a great tome -- to your peril.

But not so in Stygian: Rise of the Old Ones. In this, beautifully hand-drawn RPG, the world has already ended. It's the post apocalyptical Arkham you've always wanted to explore.

Blending 2D environments to investigate throughout the cursed city with tactical, turn-based combat, Stygian: Rise of the Old Ones, puts you in the shoes of an archetypical character from the 1920s, who you can customize to your heart's content. You'll find companions, weapons, spells, and more to try and survive the horrors that await you in Arkham. You'll have to manage both health and sanity as you decide what it is you want to accomplish in a world that has already fallen to the cosmic horrors and the colors from beyond.

Stygian: rise of the Old Ones is set for release in 2019.