Study: Gamers Are Healthy Physically But Not Mentally

Study: Gamers Are Healthy Physically But Not Mentally Study: Gamers Are Healthy Physically But Not Mentally

The results of a new study turned out contradicting all the stereotypes we have about gamers.

The study was conducted by Researchers at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, the Palo Alto Research Center, also in California, and the University of Delaware in Newark.

The researchers surveyed 7000 EverQuest II players about their physical and mental health. Participants were offered a unique in-game weapon called "the Great Staff of the Sun Serpent" as an incentive.

The study concluded that MMO gamers are in better than average physical condition, but they are less healthy mentally. According to the study, adult gamers have an average body mass index of 25.2, compared to the overall American average of 28. The average gamer also engages in vigorous exercise once or twice a week, which the researchers say is more than most Americans. The reasons for this are not obvious, although the team suggest it may be because more educated, wealthier people are attracted to computer games, and these people also tend to take better care of their health.

On the other side, gamers were found to be more susceptible to depression and substance abuse than their compatriots. "They may be drawn to use the game to help deal with emotional distress," says team member Scott Caplan of the University of Delaware.

The study concluded that most gamers simply exhibit healthy enthusiasm for their hobby rather than obsessive addiction.