Strange Xbox 360 Signal Might Jam Wireless Networks

Strange Xbox 360 Signal Might Jam Wireless Networks Strange Xbox 360 Signal Might Jam Wireless Networks

According to IT staff at Morrisville State College, Xbox 360 emits a strong and unknown signal that interferes with Bluetooth networks.

Morrisville IT staff use Bluetooth headsets with their cell phones when they troubleshoot problems on the spacious campus. "We had problems syncing our headsets to our phone where this signal was strong," said Matt Barber, the college's network administrator. To get the headsets to work, the phone user had to physically touch it to the cell phone to make the initial connection.

The IT staff couldn't confirm if the Xbox 360 signal affects Wi-Fi too because their Wireless LAN incorporates a more intelligent hardware which compensates for interference by guiding connected devices to send and receive when open spectrum is available, essentially dodging around the unknown signal.

Both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth operate at 2.4 GHz.

More than a day passed after Morrisville IT's conclusion was announced but Microsoft still didn't respond.