Stomping land details tracking, weapons, dinosaurs

Stomping land details tracking, weapons, dinosaurs

Kickstarter success story, The Stomping Land, is fast approaching its release and to celebrate - and no doubt draw some extra eyes to its development - the guys behind it have been releasing more and more information about the game's mechanics and world.

So far we've reached day four and we've learned about surviving in the dino-dominated world that is The Stomping Land. There are big dinosaurs and smaller dinosaurs, the latter are easy-ish to kill and give some simple meat when carved up and harvested. The larger dinosaurs give much better rewards, but many of them are impossible to kill with your puny caveman weapons. Instead you need to let them fight one another and then scavenge what you can - but make sure you do it before hunters from other tribes show up.

But how will you know when two large dinos are going to duke it out? You can track them in several ways: using tracks on the ground, listening for their unique call in the distance, or following them at night by their unique stars. When they come together, you know a big battle is starting.

To make sure these dinosaurs - and potentially other players - don't see you, you'll be able to customise your camouflage, with leaf choice, placement and rotation all completely customisable. The best configurations should make you practically invisible to everyone until you choose to strike and should add a really interesting strategic stealth element to the game.

But when you do decide to attack, you'll have several armaments to choose from - provided you crafted them. There's your standard bow, a long range weapon that can damage smaller dinosaurs and aggravate larger ones. However arrows take a lot of time to craft, so don't be wasteful with your shots.

Special arrows like the paintbomb arrow, smoke arrow and multishot will give you some added tactics to combat, especially against other hunters.

If an enemy gets too close, using your spear might be the best option as it's a one hit knock-out against other hunters. Dodging your opponents spear thrusts will be a key tactic in PVP.

Finally you have your bolas, which allow you to disable dinosaurs and enemies, which will come into play with taming dinosaurs as much as hunting them.

Each day over the rest of the week, SuperCrit will be releasing more information, so keep your eyes peeled.