Steam's Winter Sale has more going on than we thought

Steam's Winter Sale has more going on than we thought

A week ago when the Steam Winter Sale was brand new, we talked about how good it was that Valve hadn't gamified the process, even ditching the daily-deals system that was designed to keep people coming back and checking for new money-spending opportunities on a daily basis.

Instead all Valve released with this sale was a comic, known as Northpole Noir, but perhaps beneath the surface that little collection of pictures and words has a lot more going on.

As you might expect, people with clearly a lot of time on their hands dove in head first to try and discover some hidden meaning in the whole thing and they seem to be on the track of something, though what, is anyone's guess.

As per the guys at Reddit who are leading the charge, putting "search" into the Steam search box takes you to a strange hidden-password-prompt, and there's a barcode hidden in the comic that seems to relate to Hitman agent 47. Putting it into the Store page for Hitman: Codename 47 gives another code, which leads to a strange audio file.

When played, it's a husky voice saying: "I was on the right track. I could feel it. Tomorrow, I was going to search again."

I don't think anyone on Reddit waited until the next day to keep looking, but perhaps they'll only be able to find what comes next with the next edition of the comic.

Have you spotted anything strange in this year's Winter sale?