Steam's Summer sale dates have leaked

Steam's Summer sale dates have leaked

It only seems like yesterday that we were all buying games over the holiday season at the end of 2019, but it seems as if times are moving faster than we thought. Steam's next big sale will be its grand Summer affair and it's coming at the end of June. June 25 to July 9, to be exact, according to Chinese dataminers.

Steam sales are both a cause for celebration and consternation, as new games are snapped up like hotcakes at outrageously affordable prices, and wallets are emptied faster than they can be opened. It's gaming's multi-annual celebration of gaming in all its decadence and unnecessary hypeness. It leads to more games being unplayed than played, but typically a good time is had by all.

Steam also usually gamifies the process a little, adding discounts and pointed team battles, stickers, and unlocks to the purchasing process. It's a little gross and exploitative, but most people seem to enjoy it.

Reportedly, this year Valve will instigate some form of loyalty program which will see game discounts given out, as well as new badges. There will also be a new ability to add reactions to certain game reviews, letting you help spread cheer and informative opinions through them in equal measure.

We'll update this story as and when we learn more.