Steam's new game library system to get public beta in a few weeks

Steam's new game library system to get public beta in a few weeks

The long-awaited update for Steam which would see its game library modernized and streamlined to a much more manageable look, is now just weeks away from being publicly available. Valve has been working on this update for a couple of years and we finally get to see what it looks like, officially.

There have been a number of leaks of the new Steam system over the past year, though Valve hasn't confirmed anything about them and typically doesn't address rumors. It has however, made it clear that the Steam update is coming and coming soon. It posted a handful of images of the new library to show what we can expect and promises that it will release it on the Steam beta branch in the coming weeks.

The immediate change is to list games by their cover art, as well as in text list form. It looks quite similar to the GoG Galaxy library, in-fact, with a collection of easily-accessible recent games, and a more expansive library collection underneath.

Individual games will have a more detailed and organized page, with game art adorning the top of the screen — rather than sitting behind all the text and install buttons. There's also a more dedicated space for each element of the game's details, and developers will have the ability to customize their game's library artwork, helping to highlight new updates for fans, as well as showcase the best possible features of the game, much like it is in the store.

With that in mind, Valve is encouraging developers to take advantage of its new tools to have their game properly represented when the update goes live soon.

What are you looking forward to the most with the next big Steam update?