Steam soon set to take Bitcoin payments

Steam soon set to take Bitcoin payments

If you are still hanging on to your bitcoin, hoping that its value will once again return to the heady days of the $1,000+ sphere, then perhaps soon you'll spend it on games instead. Valve is soon set to make Steam support bitcoin purchases as standard, thereby letting you pay for digital products with digital currency.

How very 21st century.

While this hasn't been officially detailed by Valve to the public, developers are getting a heads up about it, letting them know that users will soon be able to spend bitcoin on Steam. The rules being put in place will keep all game prices the same as their region, despite bitcoin being an international currency.

The value of the coins will be taken on a day to day basis, so there may be some scope for exploiting fluctuations in its value.

However Valve will never hold any bitcoin. like a lot of services, it will be using an intermediary payment provider, which will accept the bitcoin and then pay Valve the appropriate value of traditional currency based on that. This makes things nice and easy for Valve, the gamers and developers, none of whom need to really worry about it.

If you have bitcoin, you'll soon be able to spend it, and developers get a new type of payment to support.

Sounds good all round really. Have you got a few bitcoin spare you might bung on the odd game?

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