Steam now lets you install multiple games at once

Steam now lets you install multiple games at once

If you recently emptied your wallet during the Steam Summer Sale, or just happened to binge on game buying in the last few weeks, then chances are you have a bunch of games yet to be played and many even yet to be installed. Now Steam has made it easier to get that latter part done, by allowing anyone to install multiple games at once.

To do so, all you have to do is shift click on a game and then another to select an entire group, or control click on individual games to select just those ones. From there, right click and hit install and off they go.

The only downside for those of you with super fibre connections, is that Steam doesn't install them all at the same time, but just queues them up one after the other, so really this only saves mouse clicks, not time.

Still it's a nice little feature to have. It's certainly more useful than the recent colour rebrand to a blue, which still feels wrong after so many years of hearkening back to that snotty olive-diarrhea colour that Steam launched with way back when.