Steam machines far from dead, will make big splash at GDC

Steam machines far from dead, will make big splash at GDC

Not much has been said about Steam Machines in the past few months as while they made quite a big impression when the first development kits went out, they've not been quite as impressive as people hoped. The controllers have been problematic, the hardware is quite expensive or not really what people are looking for and the buzz has died down a lot.

This prompted some people, like the head of EA's Origin, to state that the Steam Machine is officially dead in the water. Valve doesn't think so though and it's planning to show them off in style at this year's Game Developer's Conference, set to take place March 2-6.

"We’re planning a very large presence at GDC with Steam Machines being front and center," a Valve spokesperson said while speaking with Game Informer.

Valve wouldn't be drawn on exactly what that presentation might be, but presumably it will be a few finalised designs, hopefully alongside the release of the Steam controller, which while impressive in some senses, has yet to wow crowds quite like it initially looked to.

At the very least though, by GDC this year we should have a better idea of what it is exactly that Valve has been beavering away at and we can then judge to see whether it's all been worth it.

What do you guys think? Are Steam Machines dead in the water, or are we moving into a new age of living room PC gaming?