Steam DevDays tells us a lot about Valve's VR developments

Steam DevDays tells us a lot about Valve's VR developments

Steam's DevDays event was restricted to developers only, but that doesn't mean attendees haven't tweeted out images to us, or shown us what they got a chance to play with. Much of it was focused around virtual reality hardware, how it works, how it was developed and where the technology is going - and there was lots of exciting things on show.

For starters, Valve has developed a new version of the motion controllers for the HTC Vive. Although in prototype form right now, the new controllers are shorter, lighter and the trackpad has been moved to the centre of the tracking puck. This whole set up is combined with a wraparound wrist strap, which gives tracking functionality when the controllers are turned away from the sensors, but more importantly allows for two new interactions.

Players can half-hold them, offering better grip strength tracking than the traditional side buttons and letting go altogether, which makes it possible to throw items in game without letting the controller fly off into a wall.

Along with these new controllers Valve talked up how it was developing a new Lighthouse tracking station too, though details were kept quiet for now - it's coming in 2017.

We also learned that visiting a Valve DevDay means you get quite a solid swag bag. There is a free Steam Link, Steam Controller (as well as skins for both) in the bundle, along with extras like pens and notebooks.