Stay in the Light is a ray tracing game that requires Nvidia RTX graphics

Stay in the Light is a ray tracing game that requires Nvidia RTX graphics

We knew it was going to happen eventually. A game has been released that not only benefits from Nvidia's RTX graphics cards and their ray tracing capabilities, but requires it. Technically GTX GPUs work too, although they aren't anywhere near as good at handling ray traced light as the RTX cards with their RT cores, so it's a pretty solid recommendation that if you're playing Stay in the Light, you'll want an RTX card.

Built using the latest version of Unreal 4, Stay in the Light is a survival horror game where players are hunted by "Him," an ogre-like creature lurking within a dangerous dungeon. It's procedurally generated and is filled with traps, treasures, puzzles, and clues for the player to find. To combat your surroundings and the monster that's constantly on your scent, you'll only have a mirror, a torch, and some chalk, but how you use them can mean the difference between life and death.

For a somewhat-limited Indie Game, Stay in the Light is an intriguing game that takes full advantage of ray tracing to generate believable looking environments and generate puzzles and light-based dynamics within the game. Using the mirror will be your main method of detecting the monster, which is an interesting mechanic. We would have liked to see the player cast reflections and shadows though, as with dynamic lighting everywhere that stands out like a sore thumb.

Stay in the Light is available now on Steam Early Access.