Star Wars Battlefront PC footage revealed

Star Wars Battlefront PC footage revealed

When EA first began discussing the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront game, it seemed like it might be a console exclusive which worried a lot of people. However that concern didn't disappear when we heard it was going to hit the PC too. We've seen too many problematic ports to not be at least a little bit worried. However it seems like we needn't have, as the first footage of the PC version of the game has now been revealed and it looks pretty indistinguishable.

That does of course mean that we probably aren't looking at much of a graphical or feature upgrade when moving from the console to the PC version of the game, but at least it doesn't take a step backwards.

Shown off on the official Twitter page, the official EAStarWars account posted it along with the message: "The PC version of #StarWarsBattlefront has it where it counts, kid. Check out Tatooine, captured on PC."

Star Wars Battlefront has now been confirmed for PC, Xbox One and PS4 and will release on the November 17.