SoS EA launch falls flat with Snoop Dogg fake gaming stream

SoS EA launch falls flat with Snoop Dogg fake gaming stream

It turns out that using celebrity endorsements to promote the launch of your game into Early Access doesn't always pan out right -- who knew, right? In the case of multiplayer survival action title, SoS, developer Outpost Games hired on Snoop Dogg to promote it with a livestream. Only it turned out that Snoop screwed up and revealed he wasn't actually playing the game, somewhat spoiling the experience for fans.

SoS is a game about finding treasure on an island and working together with up to two other players while fighting off other teams of three. You can backstab each other, steal treasure from other teams, all while dealing with the island's own dangerous denizens. Snoop appeared to be enjoying all of that early on in the stream, chatting with other players and seemingly playing rather well. That was until he seemed to get so good at the game that he could smoke a blunt and read his phone on camera at the same time, leaving no hands for the controls.

"When you smoke as much as Snoop, you transcend keyboards and just do shit with your mind," one Twitch viewer jokingly said (via .

Not everyone was so happy to laugh at the ageing rapper though. For some, when you're watching a stream of someone play, you actually want to watch them play, whether they're good or bad, not watch them commentate over the actions of someone playing off-screen.

If there was any doubt, later on in the video Snoop outs himself by conversing directly with the guy who was controlling the game.

As has been pointed out by others, Snoop isn't a fake gamer in that he does play some games, but it's probably fair to say that he's not going to do well in a competitive action title while blitzed out of his mind. Especially at his age.