Sony Will Ban Jerks Permanently From Home

Sony Will Ban Jerks Permanently From Home

During a speech at the Edinburgh Interactive Festival, Peter Edward, director for Sony's Home platform outlined the dos and don'ts of acceptable Home user behavior. Failure to follow this will result in having your console as well as you real-life home address banned forever from PS3 home network.

"It's a hard line to draw, because we don't want to be walking around telling everyone off for saying 'bloody' - so we've got to strike a balance there", said Peter Edward. The solution -according to Peter- is relying on users to assess what's appropriate to them. " If users have been subject to behaviour they don't like they can complain about it rather than we walk around as virtual police", said the network boss.

Grievers be warned : "ultimately we know a user's details, we know machine details and we know where they live. If you really feel like you've been abused or that someone has just shown wholly inappropriate behaviour then you are able to complain about it. If you really, really misbehave you can have your console disconnected at a machine level, so you would actually have to move house and buy a new PS3 before you could get online again."

But Sony doesn't intend to abuse such power. " that's not something we would want to be doing very often but as a disincentive to mess round too much it's in our power", Peter clarified. They also plan to make Home network "adult-friendly". Home network will have several "Adults Only" areas that are only open to those aged 18 years and over. The users' Playstation log-in data will be used for age verification.