Sony Planning For PlayStation 4, 5 and 6

Sony Planning For PlayStation 4, 5 and 6

Playstation inventor Ken Kutaragi, who will retire as chairman and group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. on June 19, has stated that he has "the vision of Playstation 4, 5 and 6, which will merge into the network".

In a recent interview, Kutaragi said that the roadmap that led to PS3 was always clear in his mind back when he was working on the original Playstation. But when PS3 was delayed by a blue laser diode shortage, "I could not talk about the next step. We've introduced PS3 in Europe, so now I can openly talk about"future plans, he said.

Kutaragi envisions the next Playstation as a network connected system. "The design concept of the Cell processor is the network processor," he stressed. When the PS3 was introduced last year, Kutaragi said the network environment was not ready for a net-based game console.
"Now it has become possible, so why not enter?" he said.

On the other side, a patent filed by Microsoft has revealed that Microsoft's next console will consist of multi components, networked together.