Sony May Forgo Cell Processor With Playstation 4

Sony May Forgo Cell Processor With Playstation 4

Perhaps the most distinctive part of the Playstation 3 is its cell processor, which Sony claimed to be the pinnacle of CPU technology. Cell processor promised an unsurpassed processing speed, but no PS3 managed to deliver on that promise till now, thanks the difficulties developers faced writing code for it.

There have been evidences that Sony is working on an enhanced cell processor for the Playstation 4, but now it seems that the company has forsaken this plan.

Japanese technology writer Hiroshige Goto confirmed that Sony was indeed working on a new version of the cell processor, before writing it off and deciding to go with a PC-like multi-core architecture for the next Playstation.

Goto expects the next generation of consoles will come around 2012 and that a new generation of handhelds will precede that.