Sony hack reveals potential Mario Bros animated movie

Sony hack reveals potential Mario Bros animated movie

A lot of weird and wonderful news has come out of the big Sony hack that seems to be bizarrely focused on having Sony not release its movie The Interview, which features Seth Rogen and James Franco attempting to assassinate North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un. However one of the more surprising reveals is that Sony had recently teamed up with Nintendo, to potential create a Super Marios Bros animated movie.

There is no hard proof that this is happening, but emails discovered in the hack seem to suggest that that is indeed the case.

"I am the proud father of mario the animated film [sic]," producer Avi Arad told Sony studio chief Amy Pascal in an email dated October 23.

After that correspondence, Arad purportedly sent Pascal separate images of him with Mario Bros.creator Shigeru Miyamoto and Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata, along with the message, "Happy ceo, lets get together, it's the mother load."

Of course this happy cooperation at the personal level, is no reason to suggest that Nintendo and Sony could shake hands in the business world.

However, even if they do somehow figure out how to make that partnership work, this movie is in the very earliest stages. It will be interesting to see if any announcement is made following this leak however.

Also the source on this is Buzzfeed, so, you know. Take it with a pinch of clickbait salt.