Sony celebrates selling 2.1 million PS4s

Sony celebrates selling 2.1 million PS4s

Microsoft might be celebrating its victory in Black Friday sales numbers, but according to Sony, its well ahead of the game. While both big console manufacturers sold around a million units on launch day, Sony only released its hardware in the US at first, whereas Microsoft hit all the big territories. Now that Sony has also landed in Europe and elsewhere, its sales are through the roof - so high in fact, that it released a video to celebrate it.

In the video we see gamers from over 32 countries lining up for their PlayStation 4s - which of course was the case for the Xbox One too and it was more simultaneous, since it hit up multiple countries at once. Conversely the PS4 didn't hit other countries until the 29th November, but when it did, it did very well.

This all led to Sony selling upwards of 2.1 million consoles, which despite Microsoft's decent sales numbers, looks like it might have put Sony's machine ahead in the opening rounds of this console race.

Granted these early numbers don't mean too much, especially if you look at the Wii U, which has sold more than both of them at this point due to solid sales right out the gate. However, it's sold very few over the past year meaning neither Microsoft or Sony's recently released systems are really that far behind.