Sonic Visual Director Is Glad Sega Reined In New Character Designs

Sonic Visual Director Is Glad Sega Reined In New Character Designs

Red Button Entertainment visual director and CEO Bob Rafei is actually glad that Sega reined in Sonic Boom's new character designs.

Sonic Boom was unveiled last Thursday. It encompasses Wii U and 3DS games, a CGI television series and a new range of toys. The game is currently under development at California based Big Red Button Entertainment.

Sonic Boom features a "bold" and "brave" redesign of the series' iconic characters. Evidently, the new character designs are too radical to some, Sega has assured fans that it will continue to release other titles that feature the classic "Modern Sonic" characters.

Nonetheless, Sonic Boom art team has come up with "even wilder" character designs before Sega culled out the ones that were "too out there" and didn't suit the franchise.

"We went in many different directions to discover the boundary of what Sega was comfortable with," explained Rafei.

"There were some really wild designs, and ultimately in the end we decided they're not well suited for the franchise, because they were just too out there."

"I'm glad that's something that Sega reined us in on, because ultimately the character would have felt a little different."