Someone's been modding Hearthstone

Someone's been modding Hearthstone

Mods are the spice of life when it comes to PC gaming. Not only do they add endless entertainment for those willing to faff about installing them, but sometimes they can even get picked up the developers and added to the official game.

That's not likely to happen in the case of the Hearthstone modder, wellPaidHS, who's added a bunch of new sound effects to the game and brand new cards which don't exactly fit in with the theme of Warcraft.

Still, it is fun to watch the chaos that ensues:

For those that can't watch the above video, it features the likes of Flavor Flaav and "Lifecoach," who has to "put on a shirt due to Twitch policies," as well as streamer kripparrian.

Sound effects have been quite heavily tweaked in the game too, with every heal that goes through announcing the action with the Pokecentre healing sounds.

What kind of mods would you like to see in Hearthstone?