Ship To Sail on Source

Ship To Sail on Source Ship To Sail on Source

Outerlight has announced development of the multiplayer PC title "The Ship" on the Source engine. This highly original multiplayer first-person murder game offers a unique alternative to the slew of generic death-match based games currently available.

It's tough for developers to produce genuinely original concepts and innovative game-play in the current, profit-driven, overly cautious climate and The Ship's creators have announced a call for support from gamers in order to realize their vision. Now is your chance to make a difference by signing up for the email newsletter in order to track the development of The Ship or register a pre-order interest or take part in the beta testing. You can visit The Ship website by following the download tab above.

The Ship sets sail in the summer 2006. Follow the download tab above for
more information on the game and to sign up.