Is Serious Sam making a comeback at E3?

Is Serious Sam making a comeback at E3?

It's been a long time since we had a new Serious Sam game - almost five years in-fact and with the ongoing demise of all of the traditional, gruff, white-skinned super hero shooters, perhaps he's the hero we need and deserve right now.

That's good then, as this year's E3 festival may well mark a return for Sam to action. Publisher of the Croteam shooter, Devolver Digital, is said to be debuting a new game from Croteam at E3.

That could of course be Talos Principle 2. The serene puzzler did do rather well when released at the end of 2014, but there is other evidence to suggest it could be Sam and not the unnamed robot is the star of the big reveal at the year's biggest gaming show.

A Humble Bundle was launched in 2013 with all of Croteam's old games to help fund the development of Serious Sam 4 and there have been a number of hints of its ongoing development throughout the past couple of years.

If it is indeed Sam that is making a triumphant return, expect to be able to play it on the show floor and with Croteam's continued focus on PC gaming, expect there to be a number of PC stations to try it out on.

We can't guarantee there will be a console port available too, but it is of course possible.

What would you like to see in a new Serious Sam game?