Serious Engine 3 Looks Serious

Serious Engine 3 Looks Serious Serious Engine 3 Looks Serious Serious Engine 3 Looks Serious Serious Engine 3 Looks Serious Serious Engine 3 Looks Serious Serious Engine 3 Looks Serious Serious Engine 3 Looks Serious Serious Engine 3 Looks Serious Serious Engine 3 Looks Serious Serious Engine 3 Looks Serious Serious Engine 3 Looks Serious

Thanks to the Croatian magazine "Gameplay' and to Serious Sam's loyal fans at seriouszone, we are able to show you a sneak peek at what Serious Engine 3 can offer.

Screens rendered by Serious Engine 3 were published in the Croatian Gameplay magazine latest issue, and seriouszone fans were quick to scan and translate them. The pictures themselves look really impressive and show some nice HDR and shadow effects as well as a considerable number of highly detailed enemies onscreen.

Most of the pictures seem to be from Serious Sam 3 and the yet undisclosed Croteam's tactical military shooter, but some of them look like a tech demo. All pictures are available through the screens tab.