Saw 5 Gets Unreal Engine 3 Tie-In Game

Saw 5 Gets Unreal Engine 3 Tie-In Game Saw 5 Gets Unreal Engine 3 Tie-In Game

Publisher Brash Entertainment announced that they will be releasing an Unreal Engine 3 based game in October 2009 to tie in with the next sequel of Saw.

In case you missed it, Saw is a series of horror movies which have ordinary people snatched from their normal lives and put into brutal "games" which usually end up with them getting dead or dismembered in order to teach them lessons about the value of life.

Brash Entertainment promised that the game will not be another failed movie-to-game conversion. In their own words, Brash are "collaborating closely" with the film's creators, Leigh Whannell and James Wan, to ensure that "the game pulls no punches, and delivers the horrifying suspense and disbelief that has floored fans worldwide."

"The game will have its own unique storyline, while answering questions left unanswered by the SAW films".

Utilizing Unreal Engine 3 suggests that the game will be released for Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC. Saw 5 movie, and consequently the game, will be released next Halloween.