Rockstar clears up mod situation in GTA Online

Rockstar clears up mod situation in GTA Online

Considering the GTA franchise's history of mods on the PC, giving us the wonders of Giraffes driving around Liberty City in GTA IV and lately whales falling from the sky in GTA V, it was surprising that it seemed like Rockstar was banning players for using mods on the single player. According to a statement from the developer now though, that was entirely unintentional and though it was committed to keeping hackers and cheats away from the online service, it has confirmed that mods will be allowed offline with impunity.

"We have always appreciated the creative efforts of the PC modding community and we still fondly remember the awesome zombie invasion mod and original GTA map mod for GTA IV PC among many other classics," Rockstar said in a satement.

"To be clear, the modding policy in our license has not changed and is the same as for GTAIV. Recent updates to GTAV PC had an unintended effect of making unplayable certain single player modifications. This was not intentional, no one has been banned for using single player modifications, and you should not worry about being banned or being relegated to the cheater pool just for using single player PC mods."

The only reason Rockstar has and would crack down on any mod usage we're told, is if it were to give players an unfair advantage in online servers. Clearly some mistakes have been made however, as a lot of people have reported being banned for using single player mods. Or at least that's what they claim.

Presumably Rockstar is now working its way through their support tickets to figure out just what happened.