Rockstar Appeals Manhunt 2 UK Ban

Rockstar Appeals Manhunt 2 UK Ban Rockstar Appeals Manhunt 2 UK Ban Rockstar Appeals Manhunt 2 UK Ban

When BBFC banned Manhunt 2 on June 19th, they gave Rockstar six weeks to file an appeal. It took Rockstar almost the full six weeks, but they have finally lodged an official appeal.

Rockstar Games has has filed an official plea with the Video Appeals Committee (VAC) seeking to overturn the BBFC ban of its Manhunt 2 game. A date will be set for the VAC's hearing, which will include video demonstrations of the game and will ultimately decide whether or not to overturn the BBFC's original ruling. VAC will take into account both BBFC's and Rockstar's opinions and their ruling will be final.