Rock Band Delivery Truck Hijacked

Rock Band Delivery Truck Hijacked Rock Band Delivery Truck Hijacked Rock Band Delivery Truck Hijacked

While Rock Band fans suffer from supply shortage, highway bandits managed to hijack a truck carrying more than 1,000 copies of the game and the electronic musical instruments that accompany it.

"We're glad no one got hurt," said EA spokesman, Bryce Baer. "We hope these guys end up forming a rock band in jail."

In addition to the game disc, Rock Band ships with a drum set, a guitar and a microphone. The whole package retails for $169, making the heist worth more than $170,000.

Los Angeles police doesn't have any suspects yet, but believes that it was an inside job because the thieves knew that the truck, which featured no obvious sign of the goods it held, was worth hijacking.

A crack team in the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department was created to handle the growing theft of goods being transported in and out of the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.