Riot shows off new jungle features in pre-season 5 changes

Riot shows off new jungle features in pre-season 5 changes

League of Legends is a pretty versatile game, but there's always room for more options and therefore more strategy in the game, which is why Riot regularly patches and updates it to keep things fresh. With that in mind, Riot has begun showing off some of the changes it has planned once this year's World Championships are out of the way.

Some of the changes set to be implemented in the the pre-season for Season 5, involve a lot of tweaks to the jungle to add more diversity. As it stands, the best junglers are the ones that are gank focused, whereas in the past tanky junglers have also been viable, as have objective focused ones. Riot wants to bring that versatility back.

"We’re going to be increasing the number of objectives for junglers to take and control, with the goal of giving them more tools to set up plays in a game," said Riot." We’ll be testing a concept where each camp gives an extra reward when Smite is used on it, with rewards like counter-jungling protection, increased lane safety, or increased vision control of the map."

On top of that, Riot is also going to be making the jungle a much more dangerous place to be. If you have the ability to clear the jungle quickly, it's going to offer big rewards, but with tougher camps, you'll need to take more risks to do so. On the flip side, health focused junglers will be able to clear much more safely and still come out in fighting shape.

New jungle items are going to be introduced too, with the idea to offer more specialised strategies, as well as some general usage ones for the newer junglers out there.

For a full rundown, check out Riot's post on the matter here.

Do you guys think these changes sound good for the game's future? Has the jungle been a bit stagnant as of late?

Image Source: Conorsta