Revolution - First Official Details

Revolution - First Official Details

Nintendo promises a console as thick as 3 DVD cases, with powerful graphics, backward compatible, wireless Internet ready and all that in 2006.

...and suddenly Nintendo speaks. After an extended period of silence and while other companies were hogging the news spotlight, Nintendo is trying to steal some of XBox 360s thunder by releasing the first official Revolutionary statement.

Nintendo states loud and clear that Revolution will look other Next-Gen consoles in the eye and give them a good fight for top spot. As has always been the case with Nintendo, the console will look for uniqueness and innovation and may tread off the (well) beaten track.

In its final form, Revolution will be about the thickness of three standard DVD cases and only slightly longer. The versatile Revolution will play either horizontally or vertically, allowing the user total flexibility in setting up a gaming session wherever they have a television.

Nintendo's legions of loyal fans will be happy to learn that Revolution will be backward compatible, playing both Nintendo GameCube 3-inch disks along with its own standard, double-layered DVD disks in the same self-loading media drive.

Nintendo will probably not reveal much more, even during E3, with some rumors suggesting that the company may only bring with it limited video footage of Revolution games and nothing more.

Stay with MegaGames for our extensive E3 coverage.