Reus developer releases Renowned Explorers trailer

Reus developer releases Renowned Explorers trailer

Reus was one of my more treasured indie experiences last year, as it was an interesting mixture of fast paced gameplay - whereby you were constantly on a time limit - with the fact that dieing was almost impossible, making it far less stressful than a lot of games.

Now though Abbey Games is set to release its next title, Renowned Explorers, which marries roguelike elements with some turn based combat, diplomacy and exploration in an attractive, 2D art style.

The game seems to offer different ways to discover artefacts and earn rewards, letting players figure out their own way to take down their enemies, be it through direct combat or insults and flattery. That will be largely dependant on the explorers that gamers take with them, which looks to be its own little game in and of itself.

Renowned Explorers is set for release on the 2nd September on GoG and Steam, and will be available for Windows Mac and Linux platforms.