Remastered Modern Warfare looks so much better than the original

Remastered Modern Warfare looks so much better than the original

Although some may consider it a travesty that Infinite Ward is remastering one of its classic CoD titles: Modern Warfare, it's hard to deny that the game looks a whole lot better in this version than the original.

The world is crisper and cleaner, the models higher resolution, characters more realistic, more detailed textures and a whole lot more. The starkest difference though is the lighting. Lighting today is so much more realistic than it was when Modern Warfare was first released in 2007 - nine years ago.

Perhaps more of a surprise though is that Infinity Ward has also massively improved the audio of the game. Gun sounds are improved and voices sound more life-like for the environment they're in. During the shooting range sequence you can really hear the difference with the newer version.

Despite all of the above though, there is a certain charm to the original visuals. They have the feel of that previous generation of gaming and there are certain aspects of the visuals that this writer can't help but enjoy, in some cases more than the more realistic, modern interpretation.