Reeves: We Need To Cut PS3 Price But We Won't

Reeves: We Need To Cut PS3 Price But We Won't Reeves: We Need To Cut PS3 Price But We Won't

In a recent interview David Reeves, head of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, disputed Microsoft's claims that Xbox 360 leads Playstation 3 in sales by more than a million units.

"I don't want to talk about the competition too much, but Xbox 360 is not ahead by a million units," he said. "We sold through 500,000 PS3s in November. We sold through 1.1 million units in December. Our installed base now is very close to 8.5 million units in PAL territories. Our numbers show we are absolutely neck-and-neck."

Reeves was then asked if Playstation 3 will remain the most expensive console on the market, and he answered: "I think it will, yes. I'm not saying there are going to be any price cuts at all in the short term or the medium term. I'm not saying we don't need to do it - we are expensive. It is possible that as the cost [of manufacturing] comes down, we will be able to do it."

Reeves wrapped up the interview by taking a jab at Microsoft. "There are people who come in having done their research, thinking, 'PS3 has got all the games, it's free to go online, it's got a Blu-ray player. I know I'm not going to have to ring up the customer care line saying I've got three red lights."