Redfall receives last patch, making now the best time to play

Redfall receives last patch, making now the best time to play

Redfall didn't get off to the best start, and it didn't have much going on in the middle either. Thankfully, it seems to have had a good end, thanks to a final farewell patch from Arkane Austin. The patch adds an offline mode, a new reputation system, and a new boss nest for players to invade. If you haven't played Redfall before now, this is definitely the time to give it a try.

News in brief

  • Redfall patch adds a lot of long-awaited changes and additions
  • This is Redfall's final patch
  • Redfall has had a troubled existence


No-one can say Arkane Austin don't put the work in, as Redfall's final patch is a massive undertaking, the result of "months of work". Many of the biggest issues with the vampire-slaying game may have been solved with this huge 20GB patch, which adds an offline mode and pausable action to the game, along with a new reputation system that delivers all-new rewards. There's also some new content to explore, like the Elder Nests — boss-themed dungeons with high-level vampires waiting inside, along with some tasty loot.

The Community Standing reputation is one of the biggest additions, though. This system ranks up as you complete missions, upgrading through six tiers, with 39 rewards up for grabs. A mix between gameplay buffs and quality of life improvements, the Community Standing system is meant to make the game more engaging and impactful as you play. However, a number of players are likely to be most excited about the offline mode, which cuts out the need for a constant internet connection to the Redfall servers. Another exciting addition that comes alongside this is the ability to pause during gameplay, which is just a nice thing to have in any game.

This patch is a sad swansong for Arkane Austin, which was closed by Microsoft earlier this month, following a terrible reception to its final game, Redfall. Despite having previously created great games like Prey, Redfall was a large misstep, which may have come about as a result of publisher pressure to create more live service games, rather than slick single-player experiences.