Quantum Break's cut-scenes will require an internet connection

Quantum Break's cut-scenes will require an internet connection

Although it's not an always-online game, Quantum Break on the Xbox One and PC, will need you to be online if you want to watch its cut-scenes .The live-action footage hasn't been included on the disc, simply because it wouldn't all fit.

Quantum Break is a game with branching story, affected by player actions and that means that there are 40 different directions the game/show can go. The problem there is you can't include 40 variations of all of the different cut-scenes on the disc, there just isn't enough space, so you need to stream them.

But of course that means being online and at the behest of your internet connection being quick enough to stream the video to you. If you live in the sticks or experience a connection drop, good luck playing the game as intended.

Things do differ a little on the two platforms though. PC players will be restricted to streaming online, but curiously, Xbox One owners, with their smaller storage capacities, will be able to download the episodes, so they can play when the internet drops out later if they want.

That perhaps makes sense because most PC players will buy the game digitally, but for those picking up the physical version that seems a shame.

Were you excited for Quantum Break before this news hit? Do you trust your internet connection to let you see the game as intended?