PSP Heading For Teens

PSP Heading For Teens

With a marketing campaign titled "Dude, Get Your Own", Sony is shifting its marketing focus for the PSP platform to the 13-17 year old demographic.

PSP senior product manager John Koller explained the motives behind the move from the PSP's original target audience of 18-34 year olds to teens: "Most of our registered owners database stats have shown the 13-17 year old consumers far outpacing other groups in terms of purchase. The intend-to-purchase crowd is living mostly in that group as well."

According to Sony, most teens buy PSP because they "can play it upstairs while parents are watching the TV downstairs". But Sony wants them to get outside and "into more of a lifestyle focus", and that's the reason behind the recently announced free T-Mobile hot spots for PSP.

Sony will "regularly launch" firmware updates this year with functionality that is strongly directed at the 13-17 market, but no details are available about those updates yet.