PSP Delayed Already

PSP Delayed Already

Sony Computer Entertainment vice president, Saeki Masatsuka, interviewed by the Japanese press has cast doubt over the November global 2004 launch of the PSP. Mr. Masatsuka said that the launch will be pushed back to mid-December 2004 for Japan.
This announcement must be an embarassment to the new Sony Europe President, Chris Deering, who was eager to claim the company's first global launch in November of this year.

The interview also produced some interesting facts about the launch title lineup for the PSP as the SCE VC claimed that most prominent Japanese developers will have something available for the fledgling handheld. SCE's own titles will be accompanied by games from Capcom, Koei, Konami and Namco. Most of the launch games are expected to surface at this year's E3 in some form or other.

SEGA is another name which will support the PSP and although plans will be announced this fall, it is certain that some SEGA games will be available on launch. Square Enix, the Japanese gaming giant, will also support Sony's new platform and will almost certainly port its major assets to the PSP. Whether Square Enix has any plans for original PSP content is something we will find out during this year's Tokyo Games Show.

Although no one will mention a price for the system, remember the memory issue which may still be unresolved, rumours, originating from Japan, suggest a USD 350-400 tag.

The fact thet Mr. Masatsuka did not mention anything about a launch outside of Japan, may suggest that the global launch plans will not be realised with PSP following the traditional route of a Japanese launch preceeding any U.S. or European appearance. If that is the case, Chris Deering may have a bone to pick with Sony HQ.