PS4, Xbox One Nintendo NX rumors are beginning to ramp up

PS4, Xbox One Nintendo NX rumors are beginning to ramp up

As we get closer to the E3 show that will finally let us know what all of the big console makers have been up to for the last year, more and more leaks and rumors are appearing online, tempting us with their potential for nuggets of truth.

For starters, AMD tipped the world off to the fact that it had three new system on a chip (SOC) designs, which were big "wins" for the company. It also stated that they would continue to generate revenue for the next few years and one of them at least will be introduced towards the tail end of 2016.

Considering AMD hardware features in every one of the major consoles out there at the moment, there is a distinct possibility that AMD is talking about the PS4 Neo, expected later this year, a more powerful Xbox One set to debut in 2017 and possibly Nintendo's rumored NX console, also expected in 2017.

We know that the NX is going to be unveiled for the first time, or at least officially talked about at this years's E3, so we know it's in the works and considering Nintendo's history, it will probably use AMD for graphics hardware. It's also expected to be around a similar sort of power-level as the PS4, or perhaps the new version of the PS4.

The fact that Microsoft recently stopped manufacturing the Xbox 360 too, suggests it may switch its manufacturing facilities over to something else. Perhaps a new Xbox One with AMD hardware?

Do you think there's a new Xbox One in the works? Microsoft will need something to stay competitive with Sony.