PS4 outsells Xbox One again

PS4 outsells Xbox One again

The PlayStation 4 is continuing to dominate this generation, outselling the Xbox One for the fifth month in a row in the latest stats to come out of the NPD Group. However console sales across the board were pretty high last month, almost 100 per cent more than they were in April. This led to a total income from video-games and their required hardware of nearly $600 million.

While we don't have any specific numbers of how many consoles Sony sold, or how many Micorosft pushed, we do know that the PS Vita saw a big jump as well, so Sony is no doubt sitting pretty right about now, as it's been ahead on all cards for a while now. With continued industry leading sales, it's makign that gap between it and Nintendo and Microsoft that much wider.

However don't count either company out just yet. Nintendo, despite its year+ lead in on this latest generation of consoles and seriously underpowered hardware, sold huge numbers of Wii Us in the wake of Mario Kart 8's launch and it only had two days to do so last month. We know from a Nintendo announcement that it pushed over 1.2 million copies of the game in the first couple of days, which let it hit second place on the sales charts, just behind the multi-platform Watch Dogs which shifted over four million.

Microsoft on the other hand could be seeing a jump in sales this month - we'll have to wait and see - as it only recently launched the Kinect-free Xbox One. It's not clear yet what that's done to sales, but it could help it make up some lost ground now that its price is a little more reasonable and it doesn't come with the privacy invading camera which a lot of people weren't happy with - especially since it doesn't do much to improve gameplay.

Overall though the industry is looking very healthy. Sales year on year increased over 800 per cent, with half of that accounted by new hardware and software launches. Compared to last year where that figure was just nine per cent, the industry is clearly in a good position.

[Thanks GamesIndustry]