PS4 to be Playable at GameStop Expo

Game Expo

The PlayStation 4 will be playable for the first time at the GameStop Expo this August 28th at the Sands Expo and Convention Center in Las Veegas. If this is enough to peak your interest and have you buy a ticket, - though if you end up waiting until after August 11th, those prices will bump to $45.

While the first outing for true PS4 hardware and live gameplay demos is likely to be at E3, where it will go head to head with Microsoft's next-generation Xbox (expected to be unveiled on May 21st), the PS4 will actually be available for average Joes and journalists alike at the GameStop Expo.

Game wise it's not known what's on show, but chances are most if not all of the PS4 launch titles will be making an appearance, along with a lot of the top level developers for these games. Expect Watchdogs to make an appearance, along with Drive Club, the new Killzone title and probably artistically unique, The Witness.

Along with the PS4 playability at this event, it's also good to see GameStop keeping itself diverse by pushing live events and not simply sticking to the tried and tested (and currently failing) high-street video game retail business.

So, will any of you guys be making the trip? Las Vegas is a little far for me. Somewhere in the region of 5,000 miles.