PS3 Unreal Tournament 3 Editor Is In The PC Version

PS3 Unreal Tournament 3 Editor Is In The PC Version PS3 Unreal Tournament 3 Editor Is In The PC Version PS3 Unreal Tournament 3 Editor Is In The PC Version PS3 Unreal Tournament 3 Editor Is In The PC Version

In a recent interview, Mark Rein, Vice President of Epic was asked about Playstation 3 Unreal Tournament 3 modding and his answer was quite shocking.

"The editor is one of the selling points of the PC version. PS3 owners will need to buy the PC version as well, if they want to make mods. Not if they want to play mods. But, they would anyway because that's where the content is. Are we going to release the whole game for free? You need it for the content. Well, you don't need it if you're going to make 100% new content, but no mod does that", said Mark Rein.

"It just makes sense. People who create content have to buy a modelling package if they want to create models. They have to buy a Photoshop equivilent if they want to make textures. They have to buy audio recording software if they want to edit audio. Or video editing software if they want to edit video on a PC", Rein added. "It's not like our game is $500. Our game is not the cost of 3D Studio Max or Photoshop".

But Xbox 360 UT3 players are worse off; and this time it's not Epic's call, it is Microsoft's. We're talking to Microsoft and still trying to figure that out. Worst case scenario would be Epic bringing popular mods onto the 360 and putting them through the certification process. Because that's the way it works today. Or selling them in Marketplace, or convincing Microsoft to let us give some away for free", said Epic Vise President. " That's the worst case scenario. Hopefully it will be better than that, but we know nothing yet about how that's going to work and that's why we're totally concentrating on the PS3 right now, in terms of consoles."

Rein also said that Unreal Tournament 3 will run on 720p resolution and the current build has achieved 30 fps at that resolution.