PS3 Should be Withdrawn Says Gabe

PS3 Should be Withdrawn Says Gabe

The mystery of the PS3 is continuing to trouble the gaming industry as the question; revolutionary or disastrous? Requires an answer.

Many readers are reluctant to accept any view on the PS3 as they read ulterior motives into opinionated editorials. Now, one of the most respected figures in gaming has decided to make his views public and has described Sony's new console as a total disaster. Speaking to GameInformer Mr. Newell said, The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think It's really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted. I'd say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a "do over". Just say, "This was a horrible disaster and we're sorry and we're going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it". The happy story is the Wii. I'm betting that by Christmas of next year, the Wii has a larger installed base than the 360. Other people think I'm crazy. I really like everything that Nintendo is doing.

It is clear that Sony needs developers on its side if it is to succeed, developer support is, after all, what brought on the phenomenal success of the PlayStation brand. Mr. Newell's comments are a sign that Sony may be losing the support of the developer community. Since it is hard to argue that Valve, or Mr. Nnewell have something to gain from the failure of the PS3 we have to pay additional attention to the comments he made as he remains a very influential figure in the industry.