PS3 Online Free For All

PS3 Online Free For All PS3 Online Free For All

Sony President, Ken Kutaragi, has revealed his company's strategy on online PS3 services. The Japanese consumer electronics giant will not charge for the basic online services which will be available to all customers completely free while the financial model will mainly rely on charges for content downloaded through the service.

Speaking to the Japanese tech website, PC Impress Watch, Sony's President made it clear that Sony has planned for a competitive online policy stating, You can't charge money for network matching and other basic services. These things are just taken for granted on the PC.

As with most online services, the PS3's capabilities will be harnessed by Sony in order to deliver content that will tempt users into a purchase. Kutaragi-san was clear that this has been his company's plan all along, We really wanted to do this with the PS2.But now Apple has realised a successful e-distribution program, it's about time we made our move, too.

It seems that Microsoft has paved the way for online services and it now remains for gamers to discover if the other two competitors can offer some form of improvement on what XBox Live does. Nintendo's plans for 24/7 online capability are promising but we have a lot of details to discover before we can fully understand what it will bring to the online table.