Project Natal Launch To Be As Huge As A New Console Launch

Project Natal Launch To Be As Huge As A New Console Launch

Understandably, Microsoft doesn't intend for Project Natal to be just another Xbox 360 peripheral. Instead, the company is planning a launch that is as huge as Xbox 360's launch was.

"Conceptually, the launch of Natal will be like the launch of Xbox 360," Xbox 360 strategy boss Shane Kim said. "It's going to be that big. We're not just going to ship it when the hardware and software are ready."

"We have to make sure that there are enough content experiences that are really good," he added. " That's similar to how you would think of the launch of a new console. It's got to have a great launch line-up. That's the same thing here."

Shane's comment spurred rumors that Project Natal will be part of a new Microsoft console, and not an add-on for the current Xbox 360.