Prince Of Persia Retail DVD Features No DRM Whatsoever

Prince Of Persia Retail DVD Features No DRM Whatsoever Prince Of Persia Retail DVD Features No DRM Whatsoever Prince Of Persia Retail DVD Features No DRM Whatsoever Prince Of Persia Retail DVD Features No DRM Whatsoever Prince Of Persia Retail DVD Features No DRM Whatsoever Prince Of Persia Retail DVD Features No DRM Whatsoever Prince Of Persia Retail DVD Features No DRM Whatsoever Prince Of Persia Retail DVD Features No DRM Whatsoever

Ubisoft has been heavily criticized before for using Starforce and SecuROM DRM systems, but for their latest title, Prince of Persia, they decided to offer it completely free of all and any copy protection systems.

"A lot of people complain that DRM is what forces people to pirate games but as PoP PC has no DRM we'll see how truthful people actually are. Not very, I imagine," Community Manager UbiRazz wrote on the official forum.

He then noted that this applies to retail DVDs only, as Steam version will still be tied to Steam's authentication system.

Prince Of Persia will, no doubt, be pirated just like any other game. In fact, the game has already been available on p2p networks for a few days now. But will it be pirated less than other titles, or will it be just another argument for publishers when they want to defend DRM?