Prey speedrunner breaches the seven minute mark

Prey speedrunner breaches the seven minute mark

Although a lot of older games have captured the hearts of speedruners over the years, in 2017 we were gifted a brand new title for them to really sink their teeth into: Prey. The reboot was well received by critics, but due to a couple of early exploits speedrunners discovered that it could be finished in a matter of minutes and the speedrunning record has tumbled ever since.

This latest attempt, however, has set a very high bar indeed. Youtuber SeekerTV showcased their run of just six minutes and fifty-nine seconds, setting a new world record.

This is an any percent speedrun, so no part of the game need be completed. However it is a finished run, not just one that sees them racing off the station as soon as possible. They do make it to the end of the game and because of that, you shouldn't watch the attempt lest you want massive portions of the game spoiled for you.

This run uses all of the tricks discovered so far and more. From using the chair in the opening sequence to clip through the ceiling, to a jumping trick to slip through the bounds of the elevator and glue gunning their way to freedom and world records across gaps that were previously unassailable. It's an impressive run no doubt and shows that there are seconds to be shaved off everywhere. Indeed there were portions of even this run which weren't ahead of the previous record, so by tightening up their efforts, Seeker could likely take this a step further.

How much faster do you think Prey could be completed?